So - Who am I ?
"Someone who spends too much time on video games" - Thats according to my father :)
And that would be a pretty accurate description really...
First as a player, then as a journalist, critic, researcher and eventually - as a game developer and designer.
I have been deeply invested in digital games ever since I first played Pitfall at a friend's house when I was 6.
Education-wise I have graduated as an M.A. in New Media Design, specializing in Game Design from Aalto University in Helsinki.
And What Have I Done
Transit King, Space Nation-Navigator, Quantum Break, Old Gods Thin Lines, Deconstruction - These are few of the project I have been involved in as a game designer, in designing gameplay, UI/UX or level design/set dressing.
In my 3D work I tend to focus on low poly assets, modular kits for environments, or anything else non-character related I might need.
When it comes to Game Design Research my work has mostly been focused on how to improve Player Experience - pacing, game storytelling and player engagement and spatial design.
You can find a more extended list of my skills and experiences on my LinkedIN Profile or in my CV , all found bellow :)