Trainstation 2 is the sequel to Pixel Federation's original breakthrough tycoon title.
Our design goal for this game was to make the game as accessible and light as possible, while keeping the main player fantasy intact - dispatching trains, create supply chains across the world, collecting trains. We also added additional depth to the TS2 gameplay via the city and it's growth mechanics.
Designed the game's "city loop"
Growing your "home city" in TS2 serves as an important engagement and progress mechanic. Your city buildings give you a constant flow of minor tasks that you can complete instantly.
These are meant to serve as small engagement vectors while the player waits for their larger train jobs to complete. This in turn increases your city's population, feeding into the games other metagame systems.
Streamlining UI and UX
Trainstation 2 aimed for a lot broader and more casual audience than it's predecessor. One of our guiding principles was the "fishtank idea" - the game should feel like something simple and pleasing to look at and engage with. As result a lot of my work was focused on designing and simplifying player interactions and information delivery as much as possible.
- Gameplay Design (Train Dispatch mechanics, Factories)
- System Design - City mechanics loop
- UI/UX work ( Train Box Gatcha, major screens)
Tools Used:
Unity 5 ; Adobe Photoshop CS 5; Microsoft Excel;
Confluence; Microsoft Power Point
Trainstation 2