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Puzzle Adventure  is a unique a mobile F2P puzzle and exploration game. Players explore various atmospheric locations, investigate supernatural mysteries and solve all sorts of puzzles.

I worked on it from pre-production to first year live-ops, with most of the work focusing on:

Spirit Summoning - Energy Meta Game
A light gatcha, focused around collecting cute spirits that help the player generate energy - the spirits collection was to serve as a secondary motivator (besides power growth).  The system was originally designed to loop into the pet mechanics. 

Player Experience and Core Gameplay 
A lot of my work was focused on identifying solutions regarding Character Camera Controls (CCC) , designing and prototyping interactions readability and feedback for different mechanics, as well as designing UI/animations.

Level Design Tools and Visual Scripting System

My biggest contribution to the production has been the design and overseeing of the implementation of a Level Editor. Besides various asset placement and painting tool it includes a node-based visual scripting system, camera system and various debug/readability tools


- System and Economy  Design (Camp and Energy)
- Gameplay Design (Various mechanics and UI)
- Tool Design (Level Editor)


Tools Used:

Unity 5 ; Adobe Photoshop CS 5; Microsoft Excel;
Confluence; Microsoft Power Point 

Puzzle Adventure

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