Transit King is a mid-core mobile tycoon/manager game in which players - it was released in late 2017, published by Fingersoft and currently has more than 1 200 000 downloads.
My main responsibilities on this project were taking the existing mechanics and player fantasy associated with tycoon and management games and boiling them down to quick and satisfying mobile gaming interactions and sessions format.
Designed player interactions, UX flow and UI of Transit King -while aiming to preserve appeal of the gameplay for both established core audiences and making it accessible to casual audiences.
Responsibilities mostly focus on designing interactions and UI systems, wire-framing and most importantly - ensuring a smooth and simple UX for players. Also worked on UI implementation in the Unity engine and particle effects.
- UI Wireframing and Interaction Design
- UX Design and Streamlining
- Conducting and analyzing results from user tests
-Implementation of UI elements in Unity
-Created basic in-game visual effects for various feedback
Tools Used:
Unity 5 ; Playmaker; Adobe Photoshop CS 5; Microsoft Excel ;
Microsoft Power Point
Transit King